cosmetic dentistry nanaimoCosmetic dentistry has become a hot topic for both young professionals and baby boomers seeking to improve their smile, but it is a term that can mean different things to different people.

Some people associate cosmetic dentistry with looking younger – something like a dental facelift that can rewind the natural aging process of their teeth. Other people have developed a host of dental challenges that leave their teeth and smile needing a comprehensive approach rather than temporary fixes, and others yet, who have always felt self-conscious about their smile.

Much as cosmetic dentistry does not mean the same thing to everyone, a good cosmetic dentist offers a wide variety of treatment options for people seeking to enhance their smile. The options range from teeth whitening to porcelain veneers to Invisalign or braces.  In many cases, a combination of these dental techniques is required to deliver the best results.

Here are some examples of the most widely used forms of cosmetic dentistry in action:


Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in dentistry today. This fantastic dental procedure effectively provides a quick way for patients to achieve a beautiful white smile. There are several professional whitening procedures, both in-office and at home which can be used to enhance your smile.

Composite Fillings

Traditional mercury fillings fail over time as the conditions of the tooth and mouth change. Worse yet, mercury fillings can crack otherwise healthy teeth as they expand and contract due to heat and cold. Newer, longer-lasting composite fillings are a very effective replacement for old mercury fillings.  At Downtown Dental Group in Nanaimo, we only use composite fillings from the beginning!

Smile Makeover

A smile makeover is the ultimate restoration of your smile’s youthful appearance. A smile makeover encompasses all the necessary components of cosmetic dentistry for you to achieve a beautifully youthful and healthy smile.

The goal is to create a rejuvenated natural smile properly proportioned to your face. With advancements in cosmetic dentistry, almost anything is possible. For example, crooked unbalanced teeth can be immediately improved through dental crowns or porcelain veneers.  This is known as “instant orthodontics”. Porcelain veneers are also often utilized to fix chipped and broken teeth and enhance the appearance of your natural smile.

Gum Therapy

A healthy smile is not just about healthy teeth, it’s about the overall health of your mouth and body. Using advanced ultrasonic Cleaning techniques, dentists are now able to combat bacteria growth and help the body use its own natural defences to increase overall oral health. Treatments are also available to contour gum tissue to improve health or to reduce a “gummy” smile.

Neuromuscular Dentistry

Some smile improvements are not just cosmetic. Many of these treatments, such as neuromuscular dentistry, can improve bite problems such as over-bite, under-bite or cross-bite. When treated to maintain a proper jaw position, patients find a lifetime of jaw pain and headaches can be resolved in just a few appointments.

Which procedure is right for me?

Our dentists at our Downtown Nanaimo, BC, dental clinic can answer any questions you may have about techniques used to improve your smile. The condition of your teeth and results you seek often indicates the best procedure. We often give our patients a range of treatment options from best-case scenarios to short-term or even temporary repair.  It’s always up to you to choose.

Contact us today to book an appointment or read more about cosmetic dentistry on our website!

dental bridgeIf you are missing a tooth or several teeth, dental bridges are a very natural-looking way to replace them. Dental bridges not only help restore the function of your missing teeth but have several advantages that may make them the right treatment option for you.

Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group in Nanaimo, BC welcomes you to read more about dental bridges and contact us for an appointment to discuss whether or not a dental bridge might be the solution you are looking for.

Restore your smile

Missing teeth often affect the appearance of your smile – unless they are at the back of your mouth.  Dental bridges fill in the teeth and look as natural as your surrounding teeth.

Maintain facial shape

Your face and jawbone can change shape if you are missing one or several teeth. Your jaw bone needs the pressure from the teeth chewing to stimulate it to regenerate.  Without the teeth there, the jawbone recedes.  Replacing lost teeth will help maintain facial shape and minimize changes to your face and jaw.

Prevent chewing problems

TMD is caused when your teeth are not meeting properly and the bite becomes imbalanced.  This leads to a host of symptoms including headaches, earaches, jaw pain and even neck and shoulder pain.   Since missing teeth cause you to favour chewing on one side consistently, this behaviour could lead to bite issues and more serious jaw joint issues such as TMD.

Allow you to speak properly

Teeth are important to proper pronunciation in speech. Missing teeth can quickly affect the way you talk. A dental bridge provides the same function as a natural tooth and immediately allows normal speech ability to return.

Prevent teeth from shifting

When a tooth is missing, the teeth around the space tend to shift, tilt, or drift into that space. Once teeth have shifted, it is not easy to shift them back.  A dental bridge holds the space of the missing tooth and prevents undesired changes to the neighbouring teeth.

Advantages of dental bridges compared to implants

Dental implants have become a popular alternative to dental bridges and may indeed be a good choice for you.  Since we’re on the topic of advantages of dental bridges, however, the following are a couple of the significant advantages.

  • Bridges are much less expensive than implants, especially if multiple teeth need to be replaced.
  • If your bone has recessed at the site of the missing tooth, implants may require bone grafting

Please contact us to consult one of our Nanaimo dentists if you would like to find out which treatment option would be best to replace your missing teeth.  We look forward to meeting you at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group soon!

teeth whitening nanaimo dental 2014Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic procedure in dentistry and every year millions of North Americans undertake to whiten and brighten their smiles.  We all know that having a white smile makes us look and feel younger – and in the end, a whiter smile makes us want to smile more often to show it off!

At Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group, we have several teeth whitening options to suit your needs and your budget – everything from in-office teeth whitening to smile makeovers.  We also have a great financing plan to help you achieve the smile you desire sooner.

We welcome you to book a consultation today to find out how we can help you. In the meantime, here are some tips that you can start using today to have the white, healthy smile you deserve!

Brush and Floss Regularly

The best thing you can do to keep you smile healthy and white is to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. Since plaque is one of the culprits that cause teeth to yellow, regular brushing and flossing help to remove plaque before it can give your teeth a yellow hue.

Flossing is extremely important and should not be overlooked. Up to 30% of your tooth surfaces are between the teeth, so it stands to reason that you can’t have a white smile without flossing!  Regular flossing helps to remove stains between teeth and make your smile whiter.

Whitening Floss

Whitening floss is available in stores.  Since we understand how important flossing is, why not whiten while you floss.

Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes provide more plaque removing benefit than just brushing by hand.  It’s a good investment in maximizing your time brushing and getting the whitest smile possible.

Whitening Toothpastes

Whitening toothpaste is a bit of a misnomer, as toothpaste alone doesn’t whiten teeth.  It does, however, help scrub away stains before they settle in and discolor your enamel. Whitening toothpastes may be more effective at removing stains as they act to exfoliate plaque from the teeth.

Whitening Foods

Certain foods have been shown to stain teeth.  These include: red wine, berries, soy sauce, and curry.  While you do not have to avoid teeth staining foods altogether, it is a good idea to brush soon after ingesting them to reduce their ability to stain your enamel.

On the other hand, fresh and fibrous foods like celery, carrots, spinach, apples, and broccoli actually serve the function of removing stains by cleaning the teeth before deep staining can occur.

Eating cheese after a meal has been shown to help prevent cavities and promote enamel re-mineralization.  Healthy enamel is very important to tooth whitening as it protects the layer of the tooth called dentin which is the part that actually determines the color of your tooth. Strong enamel means a proactive barrier against yellowing of the teeth!

Time Your Brushing

To be effective, studies have shown that brushing should take at least two minutes. Time yourself and see if you’re brushing long enough.

We welcome you to read more about teeth whitening at Downtown Dental Group, in Nanaimo BC.  Please contact us to book an appointment – we look forward to meeting you soon!

missing tooth nanaimoA missing tooth could be more of a problem than you might imagine. Did you know that since each of your teeth depends on one another to keep their position, a missing tooth can cause your teeth to shift and tilt?

Another often overlooked fact is how the missing tooth affects your jawbone.  Since one of the functions of a tooth is to stimulate bone renewal, once the tooth is gone, the bone quickly starts to recede and disappear.

All things considered, it’s very important to replace a missing tooth as soon as possible – and dental implants are becoming one of the top choices to do so.

How Does a Dental Implant Work?

A small titanium post acts as a substitute for the root of the tooth and dental implant full jawcreates a very strong anchor for a custom-made dental crown. Implants can be used individually, or to support a number of dental prostheses, including implant-supported bridges and dentures.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Natural Appearance
A porcelain crown placed over the dental implant will look as natural as possible.

No Impact on Other Teeth
Since dental implants do not require restorations on the neighbouring teeth, you don’t need multiple restorations on teeth that may not need it otherwise.

Stimulates Bone Renewal
Since bone regenerates due to stimulation from teeth rooted in the bone, a dental implant stimulates the bone and gums as much as a natural tooth would.

High Success Rate
The success rate for implants is remarkable: 98 percent for lower implants and 91 percent for upper implants.

Easy Care
A dental implant can be brushed and flossed normally.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

As with all things, good care is required to make your dental implants last.  With regular care and good hygiene habits, it’s possible that your implants can last for a lifetime.

Find Out if a Dental Implant is Right For You

The best dental implant candidates are in good health, and have healthy gum tissues and adequate bone in the jaw to support the implant.

We welcome you to read more about dental implants at Downtown Dental Group in Nanaimo on our website and to contact us to book an appointment.  We look forward to meeting you soon!

Hockey players may make missing teeth look like no big deal – but the reality is quite the opposite! In fact, everythe health effects of missing teeth tooth in your mouth serves a valuable function, even a missing tooth in the back of the mouth which is not visible in your smile.

Why is this?  You could say that each tooth in your mouth depends on the others to keep its proper position and furthermore that even your face and lips depend on your teeth to maintain its ideal shape.

The fact is that missing teeth create a space that eventually will lead to shifting and tilting of adjacent teeth or opposing teeth, or if many teeth are missing, allow significant changes to the shape of the face and mouth.

The more teeth that are lost and not replaced, the increased chance that wrinkles and lines will form and the cheeks and lips will collapse, causing you to look older than you are.

The jawbone is another major consideration.  As soon as a tooth is lost, either from gum disease or an extraction, the supporting bone in the jaw begins to dissolve. Over time, loss of bone and shifting of teeth can limit dental options for replacing the missing teeth.

The ideal solution is to replace a missing tooth as soon as possible after it is lost. This will retain your oral health by preventing bone loss and reducing movement of surrounding teeth.

Keep in mind that your teeth are there to serve you with more than the ability to chew alone. A full set of teeth are necessary for the health of the gum and jaw tissues as well, not to mention the obvious effects on your confidence and well-being.

If you’re missing one or more teeth, you have several options for making your smile complete:

  • a fixed bridge
  • a complete denture
  • implants

Our team at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group is here to help you get a healthy smile back after losing a tooth or several teeth.  After a consultation with our Nanaimo dentists on Vancouver Island, we’ll advise you on the most suitable treatment option for your unique situation.

If finances are holding you back, we have a convenient and low-cost financing option to help you get your full and healthy smile back. Contact us today to book an appointment.

Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group is proud to serve your complete dental health needs in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island.  Our Nanaimo dentists and dental hygienists believe in continuous learning to bring you the latest technology in dental medicine and our team of dental professionals aspire to the highest level of patient care.  At each visit to our office, we treat you with the respect, honesty and dignity that you deserve.

Would you trade the overall health of your teeth for a perfectly aligned, beautiful smile? Of course not! Luckilyno more braces nanaimo invisalign these two goals are not mutually exclusive. Dental health is always the number one goal for our patients, so before we discuss the benefits of Invisalign, you need to know why having straight teeth is actually vital to creating a healthy vibrant mouth and smile.

Why straighten?

Are your teeth crowded or too widely spaced?  Beware, as swollen, red gums prone to periodontal disease can often be the result.  Crowded teeth can lead to plaque accumulation and tooth decay while spacing issues between teeth can lead to gum problems due to lack of protection by the teeth as well as periodontal pockets.

Properly aligned teeth allow the gums to fit more securely around the teeth, allowing for the strongest and healthiest defence against potential periodontal problems.

Do you have an overbite or underbite?

As with crowded or widely spaced teeth, these conditions not only affect your appearance but could be causing dental problems and leave you more prone to periodontal disease.

If you suffer from teeth crowding, spacing, overbite or underbite, you’ll be pleased to know that traditional metal braces are not the only option.

Invisalign, a clear, removable solution for orthodontics

Invisalign is a patent technology that uses a series of custom-made clear aligners that fit onto your teeth.   Invisalign treatments last between  4 – 12 months for less complex cases and 18 – 30 months for more complex cases.  The trays must be worn for 22 hours per day to be effective but may be removed for eating and regular cleaning.

There are many advantages to using Invisalign over traditional metal and wire braces.  Since you can remove the aligners, it’s much easier to maintain good oral hygiene while straightening your teeth.  There is little to no discomfort in terms of contact with soft tissues in your mouth and the aligners are virtually unnoticeable to those around you.

Invisalign is often the treatment of choice for adults, but teens can also use Invisalign to straighten their teeth.  In fact, Invisalign for teens provides for the free replacement of up to 6 aligner trays throughout the treatment plan.

In terms of cost, Invisalign treatment is comparable to traditional braces and many extended health insurance providers recognize Invisalign and provide benefits in the same way as any orthodontic procedure.  To spread the cost out over a period of time, talk to our Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group receptionist about our no-fee dental financing program.

Invisalign is a great technology that may be able to help you improve the health and appearance of your smile while maintaining your comfort like never before possible.  As a certified Invisalign provider, Dr. Mahara at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group welcomes you to book a consultation to discuss whether Invisalign is a suitable option for you.

Please link to the following pages on our website to find out how Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group can make Invisalign work for you.


If you’re not happy with your smile and ready to make a change, Dr. Mahara at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group is here to help you get there.

The smile makeover process includes 3 steps after the initial consultation:

1) The Treatment Plan
2) The Smile Makeover Prep Session
3)  The Finishing Session

Of great importance, each step of the process has carefully planned quality checks built in to ensure your maximum comfort and the maximum success in creating your perfect smile.

What makes Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group’s approach to a smile makeover successful?

  • Each person’s smile is unique. Your smile makeover will be designed and planned to identify your ideal smile and ensure that your investment in your smile is protected from early wear.
  • We take the time to listen to your concerns and answer all of your questions.
  • We do our best to maximize your comfort.  Does the thought of temporary veneers or crowns sound uncomfortable? Today’s temporary veneers and crowns feel and look so real that no one will even know they are not permanent.  Does the thought of dental procedures make you uncomfortable?  Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group prides itself on providing options to improve your comfort during procedures.
  • Is cost an issue? Apply for no-fee financing to put your smile makeover in your budget.

Contact Downtown Dental Group today to book a smile makeover consultation.

Do you suffer from any of the following: headaches or earaches, especially in the morning? Biting or chewingwhat is tmd difficulty or discomfort?  Clicking or popping sound when opening or closing the mouth? Reduced ability to open or close the mouth?  Unexplained neck and shoulder pain?

If any or all of the above symptoms fit you, it’s possible that the root cause of these symptoms is TMD or Temporomandibular joint disorder.  In simple terms, TMD refers to an imbalance in the joint where your jaw bone meets the skull.

Why would an imbalance in your jaw cause earaches, headaches or even face and neck pain?
The Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is special for a couple of reasons.  First, unlike the joint of your finger which allows movement in a single direction, the TMJ also allows movement from side to side.  This is needed for chewing food –as you’ll notice that you not only bite up and down but also side to side.  The second is that it contains no pain sensors where the bone meets cartilage.  Therefore if there’s stress on the TMJ it’s not felt there, but rather in surrounding areas.  This shows up as headaches, earaches, facial pain, and even neck and shoulder pain.

What causes TMD?
There are several possible reasons for TMD, a few of them being: repetitive unconscious clenching or grinding of teeth at night, injuries from falls or sports, misaligned tooth surfaces, excessive gum chewing or nail biting or degenerative joint disease.

Is there a cure for TMD?
The correct diagnosis of TMD is the first challenge.  Up until quite recently, little was known about the effects of TMD.  Also, most people visit a physician for the types of pain associated with TMD and many physicians are not aware of this potential cause.

The symptoms of TMD can be alleviated once the correct cause of the disorder is identified.  In fact, there is now a whole branch of dentistry dedicated to the detection and care of TMD called Neuromuscular Dentistry.  Since it is a specialized field of dentistry, it’s important to be referred to a dentist who has been properly trained in Neuromuscular Dentistry.

To learn more about TMD and Dr. Mahara’s training in Neuromuscular Dentistry, please visit the Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group website.  To book an appointment, contact us today.

A lot of people don’t love their smile and will do odd things to hide it – like changing hairstyles, wearing funky teeth whitening nanaimo dental 2014clothing or cultivating a year-round tan.

Smile whitening is the quickest and cheapest way to make a huge impact on the quality of your smile – yet whitening toothpaste and drug store whitening kits have left many teeth whitening experimenters exhausted, perplexed and disappointed. Why is this?

The fact is there are many reasons for teeth staining or discoloration and there are specific dental teeth whitening approaches to each. This article provides quick facts with a link to more details about all the issues surrounding teeth whitening.

Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group’s dentists and dental professionals recognize that you are a unique individual and we want to help you find the best teeth whitening solution for you.

We also understand that you need to be fully informed when you make the decision to whiten your teeth and start smiling!

What Stains Teeth?

  • Surface Stains: Caused by strong discolouring agents such as coffee, tea, tobacco, blueberries, red wine
  • Soft Deposits:  Caused by plaque
  • Intrinsic Stains: Caused by medications, such as tetracycline; trauma to the tooth leading to internal bleeding; advanced decay; defective silver fillings

What are the teeth whitening treatment options?

This is the lowest-cost form of teeth whitening used to treat minor surface stains.  Microabrasion is a more advanced form of polishing that can be used for deeper stains.

Tooth whitening
If you are happy with the shape and proportion of your teeth and want a brighter smile, teeth whitening is a relatively inexpensive and noninvasive approach.

Dental office whitening is quicker as it uses professionally dispensed stronger and freshly prepared agents under a controlled environment.

Professional home whitening is also an option that spreads the treatment period over 10 days to 2 weeks.  The downside of this is that you need to take care of the custom trays and maintain the supplies.

The third option is prefilled disposable trays also known as whitening on the go. You apply them for just 20 minutes a day and dispose of them after you are done.

Bonding can be used to cosmetically contour teeth and mask many types of stains.  However, bonded teeth tend to stain easily and require periodic repair.  Bonding is a good teeth whitening option only if you are not a heavy smoker or coffee drinker and are willing to take extra care of your new smile.

Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain doesn’t stain so has the property of staying attractive for a much longer time as it is custom fabricated at a lab. Porcelain veneers can be very conservative and can be as thin as 0.3 millimetres but can have the added benefit of improving the shape of teeth and the bite.

Crowns are not normally recommended for discoloured but otherwise healthy teeth.  For teeth with other functional issues, such as large fillings or excessive wear, or weak teeth due to crack and craze lines, crowns may be an option.  Like porcelain veneers, crowns provide re-shaping of teeth and are resistant to staining. Crowns provide support and protect a tooth. Better chewing ability also leads to better overall health.

For full and detailed information on the pros and cons of each teeth whitening procedure please visit the Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group website.

A smile makeover does what the name implies; it provides a total transformation of your smile.  A smile smile-makeovermakeover means that each tooth in the smile line is cosmetically improved leaving nothing but your ideal smile for all to see.

Would you believe that your smile makeover can now be completed in a single day?  Under the right circumstances, it’s now possible thanks to CEREC, same-day crown technology!  Read on to find out if a same day smile makeover might be right for you.

What challenges can it benefit?

A smile makeover can be used to correct several types of dental challenges, including:

  • Discolouration
  • Misalignment
  • Spacing
  • Missing Teeth
  • Chipped, Cracked, or Uneven TeethTooth
  • Length
  • Tooth Proportions

A same day smile makeover using CEREC, same-day crown technology works for patients whose treatment involves dental crowns.  Since smile makeovers can employ other treatment methods such as Invisalign, teeth whitening, veneers, bridges and others, please consult with Dr. Mahara further regarding your specific case.

What is CEREC?

CEREC, or single appointment crowns, are a sophisticated computer-aided system for producing durable high-quality ceramic restorations. It is simple to use, fast and is excellent for conserving the natural tooth. CEREC is ideal for patients who want a solid ceramic, authentic tooth-coloured alternative to traditional crowns made in a dental lab – all completed in one visit.

Are these crowns new?

This technology is not new. In fact, it has been around for nearly 30 years. Many dental offices have not invested in this technology, due to start-up costs and additional training in computer dental assisted design and milling.

Dr. Mahara at Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group, however, has chosen to invest in this valuable technology so that all of our patients can minimize their time spent away from work and family yet also receive optimal restorative results.

Benefits of CEREC

CEREC crowns allow tooth restorations to be completed in a single session but there are several other benefits. First of all impressions are done with super accurate digital impressions. This means no more putty-like material in your mouth to get an impression.

Secondly, the tooth is prepped and the crown fitted during the same visit, so there is no need for a temporary crown. Temporary crowns, typically worn for about two weeks with traditional crowns can come loose or weaken during wear. This is a thing of the past with CEREC technology.

Since these crowns are made of a solid block of ceramic, they are considered to have a very strong structure.

Not only are they known for being strong, but ceramic provides a very natural looking crown which reflects light in a similar way to our natural tooth structure. Additionally, the ceramic blocks come in a wide variety of shades and colours, so your crown can be selected to blend in naturally with your surrounding teeth.


Although amazingly quick for a smile makeover procedure, this treatment could take several hours as all the design and milling are done in the clinic while you enjoy some free time with your favorite movies, music or books.  Dr. Mahara and his staff will make sure you are aware of the timeline well ahead in the planning phase.  On the day of the treatment every effort to ensure your comfort will be taken including the provision of refreshments.  

Conclusion and Example

Depending on your situation, it’s now possible to have a complete smile makeover completed in a single day!  Take a look at the following before and after pictures of a recent same day smile makeover:


Smile makeover Before 1 22 1






Smile makeover After 1 22






Contact Us!

Downtown Nanaimo Dental Group is proud to combine a complete makeover with CEREC technology to our patients. Please call to book an appointment with Dr. Mahara today.